We spend all winter dreaming of those long, lazy summer days. June arrives and…kapow! Swimming, biking, soccer, riding, BBQ, end of school-year activities, summer camps, festivals…it’s crazy! Yet, it’s all fun and somehow, those relaxed, lazy moments do weave themselves… Continue Reading →
These are Viennese Chocolate Pepper cookies. But it’s not the country of origin that grabbed my attention–it was the leading role of the two star ingredients. Chocolate and black pepper have become my new go-to spice pairing. There is no shortage of chocolate… Continue Reading →
It’s the 1950’s. Picture a woman, tall, pretty and elegant, moving around the house like the quintessential 1950’s housewife she is. She plays bridge, smokes unfiltered Camels and is a modern woman. Then in the 1960’s her husband moves the… Continue Reading →
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