Spice Sherpa

Your guide to a life full of flavor.



Easy Popsicle Recipe: How to Make Red Zinger Spiced Popsicles

Summertime feels like bliss. But what about those heat waves that come ripping through July and August that feel downright satanic? Not so much. And with no central air, maintaining a civilized nature becomes a challenge worthy of its own… Continue Reading →

Homemade Easter Egg Dye

  You don’t have to go far on the web to find recipes on how to make natural food coloring. I’m simply taking it one step further. Instead of the usual beets and onion skins let’s open the spice cupboard. Making homemade… Continue Reading →

Visions of Sugarplums

Do you believe? In sugarplums that is? Sugarplums are the things of fairy names and sweetened childrens’ dreams on Christmas Eve.  An old-fashioned confection made with a potpourri of holiday spices, dried fruits and nuts, held together with molasses, honey and powdered sugar–sugarplums… Continue Reading →

5 Minute Spiced Holiday Sauce

Let me guess–you’re in the middle of a holiday recipe bombardment and totally overwhelmed by it all. Or, you know the cooking routine and are just looking for a something that adds a little extra sparkle and pizzaz to your… Continue Reading →

Green Tomato Mincemeat: What Is It and How to Make It

This is the spice season…is it not? Today’s post spotlights a simpler, more wholesome, and frugal time. And it all starts with the cold weather. Quick 10 second diversion: if you were anticipating a Halloween spice post there are plenty here. Scroll… Continue Reading →

A Summertime Quickie: How to Make a Honey Spiced Ice-Cream Sandwich

We spend all winter dreaming of those long, lazy summer days. June arrives and…kapow! Swimming, biking, soccer, riding, BBQ, end of school-year activities, summer camps, festivals…it’s crazy! Yet, it’s all fun and somehow, those relaxed, lazy moments do weave themselves… Continue Reading →

Basic Mexican Chocolate Ice-Cream

Aaaah, ice-cream. There are as many ice-cream flavors as there are personalities: sophisticated, playful, artistic, extravagant, creative, simple, humble, diva, flamboyant…you get the idea! Here’s one that’s loyal but playful. It starts with basic chocolate ice-cream. It’s good. Really good…. Continue Reading →

Apple Pie Spice Blend: Make Your Own

C’mon…you know the jingle; baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet… Between steroids, processed food, and and car companies this all-American tune may have a new connotation but the apple pie stands its ground. Apple pie is so quintessentially American… Continue Reading →

Perfect Chai Carrot Cake: Really Perfect.

Yeah, yeah…you’ve heard it all before. The perfect this. The best that. But this time the claim means business. Here’s why this recipe truly is the perfect carrot cake. 1. It fits nearly any season. It’s springtime right now and… Continue Reading →

Good Morning Greek Spice Cake

Attention athletes, skiers and early-morning risers: If you ever need to be out the door and on the road in the wee hours of the morning this is the cake for you. The word cake is really a misnomer. This is… Continue Reading →

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