Spice Sherpa

Your guide to a life full of flavor.


simple recipes

7 Summer Fruits and Their BSF (Best Spice Friend)

So September is here, school has started and summer is over…not! Certainly the farmer’s markets and local growers agree. Stalls are still packed with berries, peaches, nectarines, watermelon, cucumbers, cantaloupe…all those summer goodies that are the epitome of soft, warm days and… Continue Reading →

6 Must-Have Spice Blends for Camping Cook Kits

Road trips. Car camping. Backcountry backpacking adventures. If any of these resonate with you, then it’s an absolute fact  you’ve faced the reality of creating yet another meal with an open flame, minimal ingredients, and a collection of those adorable… Continue Reading →

Basil: 5 Things You’ve Never Heard Of

So you know that part in Alice in Wonderland when Alice sees what appears to be a common rabbit hole? She peers in, then falls and discovers a deep world filled with amazing, wondrous, unpredictable surprises? Basil is like the rabbit… Continue Reading →

A Summertime Quickie: How to Make a Honey Spiced Ice-Cream Sandwich

We spend all winter dreaming of those long, lazy summer days. June arrives and…kapow! Swimming, biking, soccer, riding, BBQ, end of school-year activities, summer camps, festivals…it’s crazy! Yet, it’s all fun and somehow, those relaxed, lazy moments do weave themselves… Continue Reading →

3 Ways to Have Spices for Breakfast: 1 indulgence, 1 blend, and 1 surprise

Good morning sleepyhead! What’s waiting for you on the breakfast table? Spices? Why not? Increasingly, more studies are revealing the healthy benefits of spices. Plus a little change-up in morning food lineup for some a.m. motivation is always welcome. Here are… Continue Reading →

5 Spices for Cinco de Mayo

Here’s the deal. Today is Cinco de Mayo. Having grown up in California and raised on avocados and Baja cuisine I’m compelled to celebrate our Southern neighbor. Ah, but now I live on the other side of the country. And… Continue Reading →

Introducing the Exclusive Distillery No. 209 Spiced Gin Mini Cupcake

Guest Post by Amy Wolff, creator of FingerSweets   I’m on a flavor quest…a cupcake flavor quest to be specific. Cupcakes, in my book, are a pure delight. Some food trend experts have declared that cupcakes are out of fashion…. Continue Reading →

Quick and Easy Butter Sauce Recipe for Herbs

It’s a weeknight. You’re tired. Spouse is fried. Kids are getting cranky. Grocery shopping didn’t happen. And there it is…the daily question that never goes away.  What’s for dinner tonight?   Cooking with herbs and spices, even at the most basic level, can really save your… Continue Reading →

Book Review: The Spice Merchant’s Daughter: Recipes & Simple Spice Blends for the American Kitchen

“It was the aroma. The exotic scent of spices: rich, alluring, and almost magical. A scent that would sometimes overpower the freshness in the air and sometimes subtly mingle with it to create a tantalizing bouquet. A scent that would… Continue Reading →

10 Uses for Pumpkin Pie Spice Blend

  Wouldn’t you say that pumpkins are the poster child for autumn?  The cheerful pumpkin is just so agreeable. Oh, those warm autumn spices: cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, allspice, ginger, chili peppers. Pumpkins love ’em all.  The grande finalé comes near the end of November… Continue Reading →

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