Spice Sherpa

Your guide to a life full of flavor.



Pieces of Eight, Pirates and Spicy Treasure

If the title sounds like something out of Pirates of the Caribbean, there is good reason. September 19 (today) is National Talk Like A Pirate Day. The action is worldwide, I had to get Spice Sherpa in on the fun. Here… Continue Reading →

Vanilla Villains: Your Guide to The Bad Guys

In my last post, I shared how to make authentic, homemade vanilla extract. What ensued was a lively discussion over the confusion about the color of vanilla (check out the comments and chime in). People were surprised that vanilla was steeped in vodka… Continue Reading →

Spices & The Exhausted Cook

  Have you ever felt like everything has converged together to thwart your best laid plans? C’mon. It happens to everyone. My story is a mixture of love, ambition, and food. My sons and husband were in the Adirondacks for… Continue Reading →

5 Cool Spices for a Hot Day & A 30-Second Taste Test

  It’s hot outside. And humid. It’s the kind of weather that defines summer. The single most important quest for everyone is how to stay cool. Fans, swimming pools, shade—anything that can take a few degrees off your body feels like bliss…. Continue Reading →

3 Rare, Strange, & Unusual Spices

Earth Day. Earth Hour. Is that enough attention to the topics that have relevance to us every day? Biodiversity for example.  That’s the focus of this post, or rather, spices and biodiversity. Biodiversity is on the decline. Not good. From a purely… Continue Reading →

Herbs vs. Spices

Coriander is a spice, cilantro an herb, yet both come from the same plant. Lavendar, basil, rosemary, thyme, sage: herbs. Cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper, and cardamom are spices. Increasingly, I see the two terms used interchangeably. So what gives? I did… Continue Reading →

The Spicy Aphrodite

    Love, beauty, and raw sexuality. (Aren’t you glad you’re reading this post?) These are the qualities of the Greek goddess Aphrodite, whom the Romans called Venus. The Egyptians had Hathor, the Etruscans had Turan, Astarte for the Phoenicians,… Continue Reading →

Cardamom: The New Cinnamon

Cardamom is a new cinnamon? Okay, I’m willing to admit this is a bold statement. But we’ve had a new black (pink), thirty is the new twenty, and staying home is the new vacation. So let’s explore cardamom as the… Continue Reading →

Why Spices?

Spices hold intrigue and romance. Their allure initiated the Age of Exploration, fueled piracy and set forth chains of reaction that shaped civilizations. Bold statements for what is today considered common household staples. But that’s the point. Spices’ exotic stories,… Continue Reading →

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