Spice Sherpa

Your guide to a life full of flavor.


Spices: General Interest

Basil: 5 Things You’ve Never Heard Of

So you know that part in Alice in Wonderland when Alice sees what appears to be a common rabbit hole? She peers in, then falls and discovers a deep world filled with amazing, wondrous, unpredictable surprises? Basil is like the rabbit… Continue Reading →

3 Ways to Have Spices for Breakfast: 1 indulgence, 1 blend, and 1 surprise

Good morning sleepyhead! What’s waiting for you on the breakfast table? Spices? Why not? Increasingly, more studies are revealing the healthy benefits of spices. Plus a little change-up in morning food lineup for some a.m. motivation is always welcome. Here are… Continue Reading →

10 Awesome Coriander Combinations

Coriander. Used occasionally, it’s probably not one of your spotlight spices. But coriander is one of those few spices that moves effortlessly through each season contributing its versatile  flavor to so many foods in its typical unassuming style. Some find it bright and… Continue Reading →

I Scream for Snow Cream!

Buried. That about sums it up for most of the country these past few weeks. What are you supposed to do when there is this much snow? You play in it!! Spinning the freestyle way (I tried to embed the video… Continue Reading →

The 2011 Spice Forecast

It’s January–time for lists, predictions, forecasts, and resolutions. It’s going to be a busy year so let’s get to it.   Here’s the big news.  Spices, in general, are one of the trends.  The US Department of Agriculture reports that the consumption of spices in the… Continue Reading →

The Gingerbread Road Show: 8 With Serious Wow!

You knew it was coming. It’s basically mandatory that a publication dedicated to spices put up something related to gingerbread during the holidays. Last year it was the world’s most ultimate dark, sticky, chewy gingerbread. This year you deserve a… Continue Reading →

Gift Idea: What To Put in A Spice Starter Kit

The art of gift-giving. It’s got to be creative, unexpected, appreciated, and useful. Consider a homemade spice kit. A box full of spices is a package full of flavor and possibilities and an expression food, culture and friendship. There are hundreds… Continue Reading →

The World’s 4 Most Luxurious Spices

Attention to anyone who loves guilty pleasures, the best of class, a lifestyle punctuated with the occasional top shelf luxuries and lusciousness of knowing you have the best. Here are 4 spices that are the Lamborghini’s, Dom Perignon, Prada, and… Continue Reading →

How to Roast Spices

Spiced ales, spiced nuts, spice cake, sugarplums, gingerbread…the holidays are practically synonomous with spices. Whether your kitchen inspiration is limited to these seasonal celebrations or you’re a full-time, dedicated foodie: spices are the key ingredients to many holiday dishes. Dry roasting your spices is… Continue Reading →

A Secret Ingredient: Nigella

  Have you met nigella? Chances are yes, but the spice was probably traveling incognito. Charnushka. Black cumin. Black onion seeds. Black Sesame seeds. This spice goes by many different names which is too bad because it really merits its own pedestal. The… Continue Reading →

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